Architizer A+Award - Popular Choice Winner in Adaptive Reuse Category / Special Mention in Library Category ( 2022 )
Pingtung Public Library (屏東縣立圖書館總館)
SG Design Award Gold ( 2022 )
Pingtung Public Library (屏東縣立圖書館總館)
If Design Award ( 2022 )
Pingtung Public Library (屏東縣立圖書館總館)
Best of Golden Pin Design Award ( 2021 )
Best of Golden Pin Design Award ( 2021 )
Pingtung Public Library (屏東縣立圖書館總館)
Taiwan Environment Lighting Award ( 2021 )
Taiwan Environment Lighting Award ( 2021 )
Pingtung Public Library (屏東縣立圖書館總館)
Taiwan Architecture Award ( 2021 )
Taiwan Architecture Award ( 2021 )
Pingtung Public Library (屏東縣立圖書館總館)
第16屆中華民國傑出建築師事務所獎 - 張瑪龍陳玉霖聯合建築師事務所
The 16th Taiwan Outstanding Architectural Firm Award (2019) - MAYU architects
第16屆中華民國傑出建築師獎 - 陳玉霖建築師
The 16th Taiwan Outstanding Architect Award (2019)
The 16th Taiwan Outstanding Architectural Firm Award (2019) - MAYU architects
第16屆中華民國傑出建築師獎 - 陳玉霖建築師
The 16th Taiwan Outstanding Architect Award (2019)
Yu-lin Chen architect of MAYU architects awarded the 16th Taiwan Outstanding Architect Award organized by the Construction and Planning Agency Ministry of the Interior, Taiwan in 2019.
Taiwan Architecture Award ( 2018 )
Taiwan Architecture Award ( 2018 )
Kaohsiung American School Athletics Complex (高雄美國學校體育館)
The 14th Public Construction Commission Golden Quality Award (Outstanding Award) (2014)
The 14th Public Construction Commission Golden Quality Award (Outstanding Award) (2014)
Kaohsiung Main Public Library (高雄市立圖書館總館) awarded the 14th Public Construction Commission Golden Quality Award (Outstanding Award). We served as PCM for this project.
Taipei International Design Award (2013) - Golden Award
Taipei International Design Award (2013) - Golden Award
FLOATING WALL-Henchun Footbridge (漂浮城牆-恆春古城人行橋) received Golden Award at the Taipei International Design Award 2013 in the category of Public Space Design organized by Taipei City Government.
Kaohsiung Dwelling Green Building Award
Kaohsiung Dwelling Green Building Award
2016: Public Building Category: Kaohsiung American School (高雄美國學校第一期)
2013: Public Building Category and Rain Water Retaining and Reuse Category: NUK College of Humanities and Social Sciences (高雄大學人文社會科學院)
2013: Public Building Category and Rain Water Retaining and Reuse Category: NUK College of Humanities and Social Sciences (高雄大學人文社會科學院)
Taiwan Architecture Merit Award ( 2012 )
Taiwan Architecture Merit Award ( 2012 )
Dadong Art Center (大東文化藝術中心) awarded Taiwan Architecture Merit Award organized by Taiwan Architect Magazine.
Taiwan Concrete Award (2012)
Taiwan Concrete Award (2012)
Dadong Art Center (大東文化藝術中心) awarded Taiwan Concrete Award organized by Taiwan Concrete Institute.
The LivCom Awards
The LivCom Awards
(The International Awards for Liveable Communities organized by United Nations Environment Programme and non-profit UK The LivCom Management Company)
Silver Prize for Built Project (2013): Kaixuan Pedestrian Bridge (前鎮之星人行橋)
Bronze Prize for Built Project (2013): Hong-Mao-Gang Cultural Park (紅毛港文化園區)
Silver Prize for built Project (2012): Dadong Art Center (大東文化藝術中心)
Gold Prize for built Project (2011): Tsuei-Hua Pedestrian Bridge (翠華人行橋)
Silver Prize for Built Project (2013): Kaixuan Pedestrian Bridge (前鎮之星人行橋)
Bronze Prize for Built Project (2013): Hong-Mao-Gang Cultural Park (紅毛港文化園區)
Silver Prize for built Project (2012): Dadong Art Center (大東文化藝術中心)
Gold Prize for built Project (2011): Tsuei-Hua Pedestrian Bridge (翠華人行橋)
第10屆中華民國傑出建築師獎 - 張瑪龍建築師
The 10th Taiwan Outstanding Architect Award (2009)
The 10th Taiwan Outstanding Architect Award (2009)
Ma Lone Chang architect of MAYU architects awarded the 10th Taiwan Outstanding Architect Award organized by the Construction and Planning Agency Ministry of the Interior, Taiwan in 2009.
Architectural Landscape Awards
Architectural Landscape Awards
鳳山行政中心 Kaohsiung City Hall Fongshan Office 2014
大東文化藝術中心 Dadong Art Center - 2012
翠華人行橋 Tsuei-Hua Pedestrian Bridge - 2011
幸福川景觀改造工程 Happy River Waterfront Renovation - 2011
高雄市熱帶植物園 Da-Ping-Ding Tropical Botanical Garden - 2011
愛河中游段堤線景觀改造 Love River Waterfront Renovation - 2010
下水道展示館二號運河站 Second Canal Station Renovation -2008
愛河之心 Heart of Love River - 2008
忠義國小 Jhongyi Elementary School - 2008
麻豆國小 Madou Elementary School -2008
下水道系統管理中心 Sewerage Systems Admin. Center - 2007
打狗英國領事館 Dagou British Consulate Residence - 2005
台南孔廟文化園區 Tainan Confucius Temple Historical Area - 2005
都市舞台-河堤社區 Urban stage: Waterfront Community - 2004
大東文化藝術中心 Dadong Art Center - 2012
翠華人行橋 Tsuei-Hua Pedestrian Bridge - 2011
幸福川景觀改造工程 Happy River Waterfront Renovation - 2011
高雄市熱帶植物園 Da-Ping-Ding Tropical Botanical Garden - 2011
愛河中游段堤線景觀改造 Love River Waterfront Renovation - 2010
下水道展示館二號運河站 Second Canal Station Renovation -2008
愛河之心 Heart of Love River - 2008
忠義國小 Jhongyi Elementary School - 2008
麻豆國小 Madou Elementary School -2008
下水道系統管理中心 Sewerage Systems Admin. Center - 2007
打狗英國領事館 Dagou British Consulate Residence - 2005
台南孔廟文化園區 Tainan Confucius Temple Historical Area - 2005
都市舞台-河堤社區 Urban stage: Waterfront Community - 2004
The National Golden Award for Architecture - Best Construction Quality Category
The National Golden Award for Architecture - Best Construction Quality Category
2017: Kaohsiung American School Athletic Complex (高雄美國學校運動中心)
2017: MOEA Innovation Center (傳統產業創新加值中心)
2017: MOEA Innovation Center (傳統產業創新加值中心)
FIABCI Taiwan Real Estate Excellence Award - Best Planning and Design Catergory
FIABCI Taiwan Real Estate Excellence Award - Best Planning and Design Catergory
2021 Excellence Award 卓越獎: Pingtung Public Library (屏東縣立圖書館總館)
2017 Gold Award 金質獎: Integrated long-term care center (高齡整合長期照護中心)
2010 Excellence Award 卓越獎: Tsuei-Hua Pedestrian Bridge (翠華人行橋)
2009 Excellence Award 卓越獎: Dadong Art Center (大東文化藝術中心)
2017 Gold Award 金質獎: Integrated long-term care center (高齡整合長期照護中心)
2010 Excellence Award 卓越獎: Tsuei-Hua Pedestrian Bridge (翠華人行橋)
2009 Excellence Award 卓越獎: Dadong Art Center (大東文化藝術中心)
FIABCI-Taiwan Real Estate Excellence Award
FIABCI-Taiwan Real Estate Excellence Award
2008: Heart of Love River (愛河之心)
FIABCI Prix d'Excellence Award - Environmental Category Winner (2008)
FIABCI Prix d'Excellence Award - Environmental Category Winner (2008)
Heart of Love River (愛河之心) was the winner of FIABCI Prix d'Excellence Award Environmental Category. The award is organized by FIABCI.
Sustainable Architecture Award (2005)
Sustainable Architecture Award (2005)
Jhongyi Elementary School (忠義國小) awarded Sustainable Architecture Award sponsored by Ministry of the Interior, Taiwan.