MAYU architects, founded in 1999 as Ma-Lone Chang Architects, later as Ma-Lone Chang and Yu-lin Chen Architects, is an interdisciplinary practice based in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
The scope of MAYU architects’ works spans from large scale civic projects to small scale ones. The studio recognizes the importance of teamwork in the creation of architecture, while maintaining the individuality and artistry of each project. Therefore an architectural approach balancing the interdisciplinary cooperation and artistic inspiration is applied. The studio’s conception to a project avoids presumption of fixed style and dogmatism, in favor of a dynamic and organic process. The dialogue between site, context, programs, time, materials, users, and clients constantly contributes to the forming of architecture. Organizational logic of physical buildings, holistic experience of spaces, and the changing characteristics of materials are priorities of the studio.
The studio’s recent projects includes: Pingtung Public Library, Tainan Public Library, Kaohsiung American School, Beignag Cultural Center, Tainan Tung-Men Holiness Church among others.
MAYU architects 為張瑪龍建築師事務所(1999年創立)及陳玉霖建築師事務所(2006年創立)共同組成之團隊, 所址位於台灣高雄市.
我們同時重視建築實踐中的團隊合作能量, 與個別建築作品的獨特性及藝術性, 因此跨領域的專業合作與實驗性的創作啟發在我們的建築實踐過程中齊頭並行. 設計過程中, 基地、涵構、時間、材料、技術、使用者、業主等各方持續對話. 我們自許能結合理論論述及設計實踐, 融合創新與專業; 並與國內外新生代建築師作積極的串聯合作.
事務所的作品廣泛而多元, 涵蓋各種尺度及類型. 近期作品包括: 高雄大東文化藝術中心、台南市立圖書館、高雄紅毛港文化園區、屏東圖書館、北港文化中心、高雄美國學校等. 除實際建築案之外, 我們亦持續參與國際競圖, 常態性地與國外建築師合作設計, 如高雄市大東文化藝術中心競圖 (首獎), 高雄市1-22號碼頭水岸改造策略規劃競圖(佳作)等.